Since I started studying dance I have had very interesting
courses that contribute a lot to the formation of both dancer and scenic
artist. In fact, I entered to study at the University of Chile because of the curriculum
it offered and that called me much attention to their branches. But I feel that
there are some branches such as modern technique and ballet that should be done
until the last year of the career and that contribute a lot to the formation of
the dancer's technique.
I also think that the six-year course could be shortened to
five years, in order to leave as early as possible, since the dancer's career
is quite short. It would be good to make an interdisciplinary exchange between
the artistic careers, encouraging projects so that they can strengthen each
other. Another thing in the curriculum I would like that at least once a year
foreign teachers come and show us their teaching methods and experiences.
Also, I would like to add more assistantships in all areas
on a permanent basis so that students can receive help if they need it.
Lastly, in relation to infrastructure, first I would like all the arts to be in the same faculty and space, so that they can relate to each other. It would also be ideal to have several rehearsal rooms, with mirrors and bars and a theater with a large stage for student presentations.
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